About Gayle

Gayle is truly a woman of vision, purpose, and impact who not only sees Leadership and social “gaps” but also rolls up her sleeves, leading others to address them. Her personal purpose statement is “to be a beacon to others on the path to living joyfully, peacefully, authentically and on purpose.

Gayle holds an MBA, held a project management credential (PMP) for 9 years, and has 30 years of experience at global Fortune 40 companies, successfully motivating people and maximizing project potential in tech, corporate, non-profit, ministry, education, and entrepreneurship. 

An International Coach Federation (ICF) & professional certified coach (PCC)

Gayle empowers leaders to access their strengths and reach their best strategies and solutions.

Over her tenure, Gayle has coached hundreds of women.

Gayle has a passion for gender and racial parity, partnering with women leaders of faith and color to command their worth at work.

In Leadership Development (L&D)

Gayle helps organizations to optimize their investment in leadership and diversity to create more inclusion, equity, and belonging in their workforce to capitalize on the creativity and innovation that hiring a diverse workforce has been documented to bring.

She also delivers leadership development customized to your needs.

As a Speaker

Gayle’s inspired audiences in Technology, Media, Women in Business, Social Justice, Non- Profit, Faith and Education.

Regarding Community Service

Gayle moved through surviving and healing from domestic abuse, experiencing the disappearance of a stalked female co-worker, to launching a ministry that broke the silence on domestic violence in faith communities and broader communities, then on to heading a regional agency and opening a new DV shelter.

Gayle now serves as the Treasurer and Member of the Governance and Race Power and Privilege Committee board member of the California Partnership to End Domestic Violence statewide coalition.

She moved from experiencing the collective trauma of the Stephon Clark police shooting in Sacramento to moving into action to become certified as a community healer, facilitating Safe Black Space and Emotional Emancipation Circles, under the tutelage of a local Black psychologists.

Gayle is also an active leader at Legacy Community Church where she and her husband have humbly co-facilitated teachings on leadership (Jesus on Leadership), discipleship (Kingdom Disciples), stewardship (Financial Peace University), evangelism (Tell Someone) and Psalm 91-based faith during the pandemic (Virtual Community Connection). 

Gayle is an active member of the local coaching association, the ICF-Sacramento and tithes pro bono coaching hours through their Ignite Program.

"When it comes to moving beyond crisis to caring for others and having community impact, Gayle Guest-Brown is the blueprint!"

- Dell Technologies Client -

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